Friday, February 27, 2009

Today I started reading....

The Lost Diaries Of Adrian Mole 199-2001
I never even knew this book was out, I came across it while doing a search for Sue Townsend (The Author) I remember reading the Adrian Mole Books while I was in school and then a few years ago I discovered that there were more in this series of Adrian as an adult, and man these books are so funny, they just crack me up! Sue Townsend has other books besides this series and they also are just as funny.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Maggie Sefton

This series I have also got my mother in Australia hooked on!
Maggie Sefton WebSite
What a great Knitting Mystery Series, I just love Kelly, she is like the girl next door character... And the patterns included in the books are GREAT :)

Sammi Carter

Sammi Carter My Space Page
This is another fun mystery series that I have recently started reading, the characters are interesting and I always look forward to each new book to see what they are all doing.
Here is a link to her home page @ Sammi Carter WebSite

Plus she has a Blog here on this system @ Sammi Carter Blog Spot

OMG! Check this out

writer Deborah Sharp Interview

This is not me by the way, but I think it is cool to find a writer out there already published with my name and spelt the same way ! Considering I was at a class yesterday about learning to write your own story.. and I have another class on Wed night about publishing your book.. My plan is to write my own story and also do a childrens book... not so much to be published...But for myself , to get some closure to the Sexual Abuse I dealt with as a child... as for the childrens books I just want to do them as I have always written and told my own stories to the children I look after so putting them in a book one day is something I would like to do, I don't think I would go the route to get a agent I think I would do self publish.. But hey ya never know maybe someone will see them and tell me how GREAT they are! LOL!

Terri Thayer

Terri Thayer WebSite
What a wonderful new Series, the first book ..Stamped Out was fun to read and I felt I got to know the characters like they were all my friends :) I am looking forward to reading...Wild Goose Chase...

Betty Hechtman

Betty Hechtman WebSite
What a Fun new Crochet Mystery series, I love it, the books are interesting to read, and the characters really connect together.
So far I have read..
Hooked On Murder
Deadmen Don't Crochet.

Nancy Drew

I was a HUGE Nancy Drew Fan as a Pre-Teen/Teen, I read all the books I could get my hands on, I remember borrowing books from friends and being on hold for ages for books fro the school library. I also remember sitting with friends talking about the plots of the latest book we had all read and pretending we were Nancy solving a mystery LOL!
As this was such a big part of my childhood I do also have a Nancy Drew Yahoo Group @ Nancy Drew Dicussion Group

Enid Blyton

As a child I loved books by Enid Blyton, I have recently started collecting any I can find online and in secondhand book stores, my collection is getting pretty big.
I also have an Enid Blyton Yahoo group if anyone else was a fan of this Author @ Enid Blyton Books Yahoo Group
The other day at the Library I heard a lady asking if the library had any Secret Seven Books By Enid Blyton and the reply she got shocked me!.. She was told that that Author is Racist and we do not carry her books,... so of course I had to ask WHY?? And I was told she mentions Gollywogs in her books.... now I ask you making i comments about a childs TOY(That is what a Gollywog is) is not racist??? Yes I know the term Gollywog can be taken as racist, but that does depend on the way the word is used, there are many books that use words that are truly racist and I know the library still carries those authors books.. I am a little ticked off with the comment about Enid Blyon and it upsets me that people can not see past how a word is actually used and them judge all the authors work as racist.. It is sad to think this sort of thing is still happening in todays world.

Beth Trissel

This is another new Author I have found, I haven't read any of her books yet, but I did buy her latest book from My Love
She does have a MySpace page @ Beth Trissel
Beth also has a BlogSpot Blog she shares with some other Autors @ Pink Fuzzy Slipper Writers Blogspot

Lorna Barrett

Lorna Barrett WebSite

This is a wonderful new Author, her first book ..Murder Is Binding, is one I bought just before Xmas 2008 I have not got around to reading it yet, but one of my friends borrowed the book and said she really enjoyed it, and can't wait for the next in this exciting series to come out!(It is now out)..BOOKMARKED FOR DEATH...
So I need to pull my finger out and get this book read. This Author also has a Myspace Page that I visit, she seems to be a very kind and sweet person truly interested in what her readers/fans have to say.

And she also has a Blog here on Blogspot @ Lorna Barrett BlogSpot

Helen Fielding

# Olivia Joules and The Overactive Imagination (2004)...I didn't really enjoy this book, I found it a little slow, and drawn out.

# Bridget Jones's Guide to Life (2001).. I didn't know this was even out there, so I will have to try and find this to check it out.

# Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (1999)...Loved this book, have read it 3 times, :)
# Bridget Jones's Diary (1996)..This book got me hooked on this Author. I have always written in a Journal myself, so I can really realate to this book.

# Cause Celeb (1994)..Now this is a book I truly got into, I really enjoyed it, and found it to be very inspiring, I highly suggest this book to anyone that feels they need to find themselves, and feel more complete.

Laura Childs

Laura Childs WebSite

The Tea Shop Series
The Scrapbook Series
The Crackleberry Series

I love all three of these series. :) I have my Mum in Australia hooked on this Authors books also :)

My friend online (Becky) suggested this Author to me, and I am so glad she did. :) Thankyou Becky :)

I am always on pins and needles waiting for a new one of these series of books to come out, I have to get them straight away and read them in 1-2 nights I can't put them down :)

Sophie Kinsella...Shopaholic Series

Sophie Kinsella WebSite

This is another series that is great to read when you need to be cheered up! :)
There is always something funny going on, and again you could imagine this stuff happening to you or someone you know :)

Confessions of a Shopaholic
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
Shopaholic Ties the Knot
Shopaholic & Baby
Shopaholic & Sister

Remember Me?
The Undomestic Goddess
Can You Keep a Secret?

Confessions of a Shopaholic
(Movie ) I haven't managed to go see this yet, but I do paln on seeing it soon.

This Author also writes under the name.. Madeleine Wickham, I just picked up her book using this name... The Gatecrasher, I haven't read it yet but as soon as I do I will let you know if I enjoyed it.

Janet Evanovich Website and book info..

Janet Evanovich WebSite

One of my very fave series of books to read is... The Stephanie Plum Series By Janet Evanovich!
OMG! I just love this series, it is so much FuN! to read, it always makes me laugh, this is a great series to read when you are feeling down as it always brings a smile to your face :)
I find the Characters in this series, so alive and real, you can just imagine them being people you know.

Some of my Fave Authors......

James Patterson
Janet Evanovich
Diane Mott Davidson
Monica Ferris
Sue Townsend
Judith Krantz
Joanne Fluke
Debbie Macomber
Anne Rule
Lorna Barrett
Laura Childs
Betty Hechtman
Terri Thayer
Helen Fielding
J.K. Rowling
Sophie Kinsella
These are just a few, I will add more as I have time, and as I discover new Authors I enjoy reading . :)
I have actually added a Fave Author list on the side bar of the blog but will keep this post so my friends can also post who they like to read, I hopefully will remember to add new Authors as I come across more that I like to read, there are so many new wonderful Authors out there right now.