Sunday, February 22, 2009

Helen Fielding

# Olivia Joules and The Overactive Imagination (2004)...I didn't really enjoy this book, I found it a little slow, and drawn out.

# Bridget Jones's Guide to Life (2001).. I didn't know this was even out there, so I will have to try and find this to check it out.

# Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (1999)...Loved this book, have read it 3 times, :)
# Bridget Jones's Diary (1996)..This book got me hooked on this Author. I have always written in a Journal myself, so I can really realate to this book.

# Cause Celeb (1994)..Now this is a book I truly got into, I really enjoyed it, and found it to be very inspiring, I highly suggest this book to anyone that feels they need to find themselves, and feel more complete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These have to be the best books ever! I love them! I even own the movies made of both!